Hottest Men on TV (past and present)

So what happens when the girls at Bitch hang out by the water cooler? We start a poll… and this poll was fun for ages 16 to 45! We present you with the hottest men in TV past or present, in the opinions of the Bitch Entertainment staff.. 

20. Daniel Sharman

He rocked our world as a Werewolf in Teen Wolf, then he threw a spell on us in The Originals, there is no doubt our boy Daniel had to make the top 20!

He rocked our world as a Werewolf in Teen Wolf, then he threw a spell on us in The Originals, there is no doubt our boy Daniel had to make the top 20!

19. Jussie Smollett

He's the son with a heart of gold. Also the one who currently holds the king seat on Empire. There is no question as to why Jussie made our countdown!

He’s the son with a heart of gold. Also the one who currently holds the king seat on Empire. There is no question as to why Jussie made our countdown!

18. Sullivan Stapleton

Sullivan appeared in The 300 and gained his spot in TV's hottest men countdown for his role as Sgt. Damien Scott in Strike Back! Is he single? Anyone know?

Sullivan appeared in The 300 and gained his spot in TV’s hottest men countdown for his role as Sgt. Damien Scott in Strike Back! Is he single? Anyone know?

17. Paul Wesley

It wouldn't be a Bitch countdown if our vampire's didn't make the cut, would it? So Paul hits spot 17 for his sexy blood sucking ways!

It wouldn’t be a Bitch countdown if our vampire’s didn’t make the cut, would it? So Paul hits spot 17 for his sexy blood sucking ways!

16. Jon Fletcher

Jon went from City of Dreams to The Messengers, where he plays Joshua who has visions. I wonder if he had a vision of being 16 on our list?

Jon went from City of Dreams to The Messengers, where he plays Joshua who has visions. I wonder if he had a vision of being 16 on our list?

15. Finn Wittlock

Our guy Finn hit from Master of Sex to American Horror Story in a few years..  It don't matter in Bitch town Finn is still sexy to us!

Our guy Finn hit from Master of Sex to American Horror Story in a few years.. It don’t matter in Bitch town Finn is still sexy to us!

14. Kurt Sutter

He's got a dangerous mind one that no one wants to invade but on the sexy factor he ranked safely in our number 14 spot here at Bitch! A gangster on The Shield and a prison inmate in Sons of Anarchy no wonder, we like our bad boys around here!

He’s got a dangerous mind one that no one wants to invade but on the sexy factor he ranked safely in our number 14 spot here at Bitch! A gangster on The Shield and a prison inmate in Sons of Anarchy no wonder, we like our bad boys around here!

13. Diogo Morgado

When we tell you that Diogo is the man? We mean it he is The man.. on The Messengers that is! But a Man has to make a Bitch countdown right?

When we tell you that Diogo is the man? We mean it he is The man.. on The Messengers that is! But a Man has to make a Bitch countdown right?

12. David Labrava


DL wasn't one for words as Happy, but we still added him to the countdown at number 12. The Bitch's around her like him.. like a LOT!

DL wasn’t one for words as Happy, but we still added him to the countdown at number 12. The Bitch’s around here like him.. like a LOT!

11. Shemar Moore

Has there EVER been a countdown of sexy men that didn't have Shemar on it? Yeah I didn't think so he just missed the top 10 but hey 11 ain't bad either!

Has there EVER been a countdown of sexy men that didn’t have Shemar on it? Yeah I didn’t think so he just missed the top 10 but hey 11 ain’t bad either!

We got down to the wire here, there was hair pulling, finger nails coming off as we fought over the top ten men in TV.. but eventually we got some glue put our hair and nails back on and got the top ten for you and it goes a little something like this! 


10. Antony Starr

Antony is a bad guy gone good, or a good guy gone bad? Who knows what he does on Banshee or even his NAME there, we do know he is sexy and he hit number 10 on our countdown!

Antony is a bad guy gone good, or a good guy gone bad? Who knows what he does on Banshee or even his NAME there, we do know he is sexy and he hit number 10 on our countdown!

9. Kit Harington

Kit comes on our TV every Sunday in Game of Thrones style as Jon Snow. Its no surprise to see him at number 9 here at Bitch.

Kit comes on our TV every Sunday in Game of Thrones style as Jon Snow. Its no surprise to see him at number 9 here at Bitch.

8. Daniel Gillies

 This man rocks a suit like no other and can dagger you in a quick second, he deserves the number 8 spot!

This man rocks a suit like no other and can dagger you in a quick second, he deserves the number 8 spot!

7. Chad Michael Murray

From One Tree Hill to Agent Carter, this man clean shaven or holding a beard gets the number 7 spot on the Bitch countdown.

From One Tree Hill to Agent Carter, this man clean shaven or holding a beard gets the number 7 spot on the Bitch countdown.

6. Norman Reedus

Norman cleans up real nice, even if Daryl refuses a shower. This puts Norman at number 6 in our countdown.

Norman cleans up real nice, even if Daryl refuses a shower. This puts Norman at number 6 in our countdown.

5. Charles Michael Davis

There is no shock factor here that the man with a smile that lights up a room made the top 5 here at Bitch. Plus he got his crown back for the king of New Orleans!

There is no shock factor here that the man with a smile that lights up a room made the top 5 here at Bitch. Plus he got his crown back for the king of New Orleans!

4. Jensen Ackles

Sands through the hour glass these are the... yes Jensen came from Days or Lives as Eric Brady who wasn't a hunter.. to Dean Winchester. The only demon on Days might have been Eric's twin sister Sami...

Sands through the hour glass these are the… yes Jensen came from Days or Lives as Eric Brady who wasn’t a hunter.. to Dean Winchester. The only demon on Days might have been Eric’s twin sister Sami…

3. Joseph Morgan

The former king of New Orleans had to get at least one spot on the Bitch Countdown. It was a tough fight but JoMo managed to snag the number 3 spot for his role as Klaus, the un-kill-able hybrid with a heart of gold.. don't laugh!

The former king of New Orleans had to get at least one spot on the Bitch Countdown. It was a tough fight but JoMo managed to snag the number 3 spot for his role as Klaus, the un-kill-able hybrid with a heart of gold.. don’t laugh!

2. Charlie Hunnam

He might be a movie star now but he was once our Jax Teller even if he did end up crow food in the end! Oh Spoiler Alert! He died!

He might be a movie star now but he was once our Jax Teller even if he did end up crow food in the end! Oh Spoiler Alert! He died!


The number one man at Bitch that keeps the girls on their knees, he might be married but that don’t stop us from primping the hair, laying on the lipstick and wearing the best push-up bra’s money can buy… 

1. Ian Somerhalder

Ian was lost and then found on The Vampire Diaries as snarky and sexy as hell Damon Salvatore! He must be doing something right, he landed the number one spot and by almost a full house vote!

Ian was lost and then found on The Vampire Diaries as snarky and sexy as hell Damon Salvatore! He must be doing something right, he landed the number one spot and by almost a full house vote!

Who’s your vote for sexiest man on TV? Did we miss your favorites? Let us know in the comments or tweet us @BitchEntertain

9 thoughts on “Hottest Men on TV (past and present)

  1. Christian Kane should have totally been high up on this list!!!! He absolutely rocks in his role on TNT’s The Librarians!!!! Not only can the man act his ass off, but he also sings, choreographs and performs his own stunts, and get this ladies, he’s an absolute beast in the kitchen!!


  2. Kurt Sutter — I no longer follow him on Twitter, so has he stopped using cunt as his favorite expletive? If he has, forgive and forget. If he hasn’t, I can’t quite understand why y’all love a “bad boy” who promotes the denigration of women. Women have enough problems getting basic respect w/o idolizing someone who fails to realize how lucky he is that there are beautiful cunts the world over and that the word should not be used in vain.


    • I think people take Kurt to serious when he speaks. He is actually a very nice guy if met in person. He just speaks his mind and doesn’t hold back. The bad boy comment was toward his characters not ‘Kurt’ in general.


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