Top 25 Women in Movies

It’s time for another countdown here at Bitch! Fasten your seat belts, get your bra’s out for your heads, lock the doors from any stalkers and terminators that might get in and lets get this countdown going shall we? This is women the staff at Bitch picked, so before you grump and moan we are four women who picked and I think we did damn good. Okay so we might have enlisted the help from two side men. One who doesn’t want to say he is part of a staff that uses the name BITCH Entertainment, but he is. The second one is one of the staff’s son and he had no choice but to pick or he wasn’t getting dinner! 


I also have you know that some of your comments are rude, I’m not a 16 year old girl! I wish I was! Just because I like something you don’t like don’t make me a child. Also the name of the site says it all, Bitch Entertainment. Its Entertainment done our way, this means my way.. you either like me or hate me, even though I know you all love me! Because I’m so freaking adorable! Just know this is why we have the comment section for you to say oh hey wait you forgot.. not hey are you 12! That is not a cool comment! Not cool.. bad internet people! Also know here at Bitch we do NOT allow disrespect of actors or actress’s, its a NO NO! You can bash a character all day long but to speak badly of an actual person we don’t allow. One other rule we don’t allow spoilers that aren’t released by the network or an actor himself. Its not who we are and not how our momma raised us! So now that I’m done ranting let me show you some sexy ladies, bitch style! 


25. Demi Moore

Demi has been in more things than I can list here! I don't have all day.. but dude, she played a stripper what more do you need from me?

Demi has been in more things than I can list here! I don’t have all day.. but dude, she played a stripper what more do you need from me?

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24. Reese Witherspoon

Reese is one of my favorites! She has been in Cruel Intentions, This Means War, Walk The Line.. but I think it was her role in Sweet Home Alabama that won this spot.

Reese is one of my favorites! She has been in Cruel Intentions, This Means War, Walk The Line.. but I think it was her role in Sweet Home Alabama that won this spot. Oh and Fear don’t forget Fear! Now I’m done!

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23. Elizabeth Banks

Besides her being in Hunger Games as Effie, which I know you're gonna say.. she was also in The 40 Year Old Virgin,  Pitch Perfect and People Like Us and the list goes on.. so maybe go check some out because the girl is smoking with out all that Effie make up!

Besides her being in Hunger Games as Effie, which I know you’re gonna say.. she was also in The 40 Year Old Virgin, Pitch Perfect and People Like Us and the list goes on.. so maybe go check some out because the girl is smoking with out all that Effie make up!


22. Jennifer Aniston 

She isn't just a friend guys.. she has done plenty of movies and worked with some hot me! Bruce Almighty.. Derailed, Marley and Me.. She earned her right here on the Bitch Countdown for sure!

She isn’t just a friend guys.. she has done plenty of movies and worked with some hot me! Bruce Almighty.. Derailed, Marley and Me.. She earned her right here on the Bitch Countdown for sure!


21. Vanessa Hudgens

Lets not get all oh you are 12 because she was in High School Musical! Did you forget her role in Spring Breakers? If you did go check it out and tell me who's 12 now!

Lets not get all oh you are 12 because she was in High School Musical! Did you forget her role in Spring Breakers? If you did go check it out and tell me who’s 12 now!


20. Jennifer Lawrence

Beside The Hunger Games, she has done House at the end of the street.. Scary shit! X-Men and American Hustle. So she is hero, with powers and can hustle with a house on the end of the street..

Beside The Hunger Games, she has done House at the end of the street.. Scary shit! X-Men and American Hustle. So she is hero, with powers and can hustle with a house on the end of the street..

19. Jana Kramer

Jana is a more unknown face in movies, she did a crap load of TV but she is hot! She did Click? Anyone remember? Prom night? Go watch some movies people!

Jana is a more unknown face in movies, she did a crap load of TV but she is hot! She did Click? Anyone remember? Prom night? Go watch some movies people!

See she's excited she hit 19 here at Bitch!

See she’s excited she hit 19 here at Bitch!

18. Emily Blunt 

Emily has a long history in movies from The Devil Wears Prada to Looper.. but her filming the Huntsman right now with Chris Hemsworth is a pretty big deal.. or maybe I hate her either way he made it!

Emily has a long history in movies from The Devil Wears Prada to Looper.. but her filming the Huntsman right now with Chris Hemsworth is a pretty big deal.. or maybe I hate her either way she made it!


17. Jennifer Connelly

I liked her in Dark Water, but she did other stuff I'm sure you guys will rant about if I don't say it.. so, A Beautiful Mind.. Noah.. Shelter its all there go check IMDb!

I liked her in Dark Water, but she did other stuff I’m sure you guys will rant about if I don’t say it.. so, A Beautiful Mind.. Noah.. Shelter its all there go check IMDb!

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16. Marisa Tomei

Anger Managment? Wild Hogs? Untamed Heart.. but really? My Cousin Vinny? That takes the cake.. Best movie EVER!

Anger Managment? Wild Hogs? Untamed Heart.. but really? My Cousin Vinny? That takes the cake.. Best movie EVER!


15. Sandra Bullock

I'm partial to Hope Floats.. but no one asked me so lets do Speed? Speed 2? The Lake House? Gravity? But guess what.. she is doing The Minions movie so she WINS!

I’m partial to Hope Floats.. but no one asked me so lets do Speed? Speed 2? The Lake House? Gravity? But guess what.. she is doing The Minions movie so she WINS!


14. Jordana Brewster

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was good! Mr and Mrs. Smith.. and, FINE she was Fast and The Furious like all of them, okay maybe not.. Tokyo Drift? No.. hell who knows there is like 7 of them!

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was good! Mr and Mrs. Smith.. and, FINE she was Fast and The Furious like all of them, okay maybe not.. Tokyo Drift? No.. hell who knows there is like 7 of them!


13. Kelly LeBrock

Kelly played in Hard to Kill, The Sorcerer's Apprentice.. but as you can see she will ALWAYS be Lisa from Weird Science to me! I love her anything but that is my favorite movie of all time.. yep all time!

Kelly played in Hard to Kill, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.. but as you can see she will ALWAYS be Lisa from Weird Science to me! I love her anything but that is my favorite movie of all time.. yep all time!


12. Mila Kunis

Mila can ply comedy, action and drama and never bat an eye lash the girl is rocking. She made our TV hottest ladies and now our Movies she can't be stopped!

Mila can play comedy, action and drama and never bat an eye lash the girl is rocking. She made our TV hottest ladies and now our Movies she can’t be stopped! Oh and she faked banged Justin Timberlake.. Hello JT!


11. Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada for you old schoolers.. is that  word? schoolers? Who cares I made it up, its fetch.. she was in Menace to Society.. Jason's Lyric one of my all time favorites of hers. She did Set it Off and Scream with a quick cameo before she was offed.. Jada is a legend in her own right and sat her ass right in the number

Jada for you old schoolers.. is that a word? schoolers? Who cares I made it up, its fetch.. she was in Menace to Society.. Jason’s Lyric one of my all time favorites of hers. She did Set it Off and Scream with a quick cameo before she was offed.. Jada is a legend in her own right and sat her ass right in the number 11 spot.



Here we go, the top 10 are upon us. Who made the final rounds? Did your favorite make it so far? If not tell us or wait till the end and maybe they were a Bitch final 10? Lets find out now.. The Top 10 goes a little something like this


10. Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie is the original scream queen in the 1978 version of Halloween. She then did Prom Queen and reappeared in Halloween H2o and Resurrection. She was also a whacked out Mom in Freaky Friday! Jamie has a few more under her belt she beauty and an amazing actress!

Jamie is the original scream queen in the 1978 version of Halloween. She then did Prom Queen and reappeared in Halloween H2o and Resurrection. She was also a whacked out Mom in Freaky Friday! Jamie has a few more under her belt she beauty and an amazing actress!


9. Eva Mendes

Eva has been Hitched, Ghost Rider, Exit Wounds.. and yes she did Fast and The Furious.. but she is Eva Mendes.. just enjoy the show!

Eva has been Hitched, Ghost Rider, Exit Wounds.. and yes she did Fast and The Furious.. but she is Eva Mendes.. just enjoy the show!


8. Anna Kendrick

We all know Anna is in Pitch Perfect.. but did you know she was also in Twlight? Or Pitch Perfect 2? So she is a singing vampire... or wolf? or was she a human? It don't matter.. I can't sing and I'm not a vampire, I only have so much time here people..

We all know Anna is in Pitch Perfect.. but did you know she was also in Twlight? Or Pitch Perfect 2? So she is a singing vampire… or wolf? or was she a human? It don’t matter.. I can’t sing and I’m not a vampire, I only have so much time here people..


7. Jessica Alba

She was Honey.. I'm done! Kidding! We all know Jessica was in Fantastic Four! Into the Blue and a shit more!

She was Honey.. I’m done! Kidding! We all know Jessica was in Fantastic Four! Into the Blue and a shit more!



6. Brittany Snow

Brittany not only is a sexy actress but she is a good one to boot! She has done comedy, horror and drama. She has been a blonde, red head and brunette the girl can do it all! And she is serious about her Love Is Louder! Go check out the website!

Brittany not only is a sexy actress but she is a good one to boot! She has done comedy, horror and drama. She has been a blonde, red head and brunette the girl can do it all! And she is serious about her Love Is Louder! Go check out the website!






5 Angelina Jolie

Do I need to even introduce Angelina? I mean come on.. its Miss Jolie herself! There is never one needed the girl is fine as all hell! She is an amazing actress, mother and good person!

Do I need to even introduce Angelina? I mean come on.. its Miss Jolie herself! There is never one needed the girl is fine as all hell! She is an amazing actress, mother and good person!

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4. Selma Hayek

Salma has 63 credits as an actress! She has done From Dusk till Dawn one of my all time favorites, Fools Rush In, The Faculty but I think her sexiness got her here at the number spot!

Salma has 63 credits as an actress! She has done From Dusk till Dawn one of my all time favorites, Fools Rush In, The Faculty but I think her sexiness got her here at the number 4 spot!


3. Scarlett Johanssen

What did I tell you about our fetish for superhero's? That means men and women! So no need to fill you in on why she made this.. well and she is a sexy bad ass!

What did I tell you about our fetish for superhero’s? That means men and women! So no need to fill you in on why she made this.. well and she is a sexy bad ass!

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2. Megan Fox

If one person complains about my girl we are going to war I tell you! Kidding! Megan is beauty no matter what she does. She took the number 2 spot with no problem here at Bitch!

If one person complains about my girl we are going to war I tell you! Kidding! Megan is beauty no matter what she does. She took the number 2 spot with no problem here at Bitch!

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Honorable Mentions! 

Jessica Beil

Jessica Beil

Nathalie Kelly

Natalie Kelly


Ron Perlman



1. Jennifer Lopez

JLo.. has been in so many movies I can't even count! I could.. but I'm to lazy to do so! She can sing, dance act and look hot as hell doing it! The girl deserves this spot no doubt about it!

JLo.. has been in so many movies I can’t even count! I could.. but I’m to lazy to do so! She can sing, dance act and look hot as hell doing it! The girl deserves this spot no doubt about it!

Ron.. I think she is talking to you.. #JustSaying

Ron.. I think she is talking to you.. #JustSaying


What did you think of our countdown? Did you see your favorite? If not let us know in the comments or you can tweet us @BitchEntertain! Remember be RESPECTFUL! 

Don’t forget to check out on your way out the door! 



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