Let’s Talk #GameofThrones Season 5 Finale “Mother’s Mercy”


This article consist of season 5 spoilers

written by: Lourdes Kofford

I want to start off by saying that i wasn’t a big fan of Game of Thrones in the beginning. I watched the very first episode and i admit that i never even gave it a chance. It wasn’t until the beginning of season 5 that i made up my mind and said screw it I’ll give it a shot i want to know what the big deal is. If i don’t like it no harm done and i’ll go about my business like i did before. At the end of “Winter is Coming” i was in complete shock! I wanted more, i needed more. I couldn’t pick up that remote fast enough to click play on the next episode. Thank God for HBO on-demand by the way!

I soon grew attached, VERY attached to characters…Now…you should NEVER get too attached to the characters you love, LIKE EVER ON ANY SHOW.  I mean seriously, have you read our Most Memorable, Cry Worthy, Creepy Deaths on TV! . God i feel like swearing off tv for a year just to get myself back together. Anyways, i lost track of what i was writing about…oh yeah. It took me about about 2 weeks to get caught up with everyone else on season 5. Hey 2 weeks is pretty damn good if you ask me. I’m a mother and a wife you know. Not to mention i take a lot of crap from the hubs because of my obsession.

I got so side tracked here. The point of this article was to talk about the finale. Hey i like to talk and my mind runs non stop. Just ask my friends Tata, Meep and Slim they’ll tell you 😉 So as i was watching the finale and live tweeting it with my girls, by the way if you don’t follow @GOTBitch_1 you should be that’s where it all goes down, i caught myself feeling sorry for Cersei and if you know me and if you follow us then you would know that I DON’T LIKE THE BITCH OK. But for this kind of punishment, it was just too much. Hair cut off, stripped naked, pelted with shit as she was paraded through the streets, tomatoes? I mean really? No human being should ever be treated like that. David Benioff, D.B. Weiss both yall are responsible for making me feel bad for Cersei and i did not want to feel sad or bad for her like ever so Kudos.  Also, i felt bad for her but i don’t believe for one second that she will change. Not a woman like Cersei.

Brienne..god i love Brienne. I think she’s THE baddest bitch in Game of Thrones, but i have to say that i think she fucked up big time here. Sansa was about to light her candle in the tower but because of her wanting revenge and her need to kill Stannis she missed Sansa’s signal for help. If Brienne would have waited just a few more seconds, just a few more, she would have seen the candle. But i can’t put the blame all on my girl, Sansa waited to long!! Well Brienne confronts Stannis after the battle of Baratheon vs. Bolton and as he’s sitting there leaning against a tree bleeding Brienne tells Stannis she was kingsguard to Renly Baratheon and was there when she saw a shadow murder him with his face. Stannis confessed to this and Brienne swings hersword. Here’s the thing, did she kill him or not? We see her swing her sword but we don’t actually see her kill him. What do you guys think?

Ramsay is a crazy fuck…do i need to say more.

I’m disappointed that Brienne wasn’t there to see Sansa’s signal. But i love love love love love that Reek, i call him Reek because he flips a bitch when you call him Theon, was there to save her. I hated that bitch Myranda and you bet your ass i was cheering when Reek tossed her ass over. SPLAT! He takes Sansa hand and they both jump off the wall!! HOW AWESOME WAS THAT!

What was Arya thinking?! I can’t believe this girl. I mean the girl does a complete sneak attack on that douche bag Meryn Trant so i gotta give it to the girl. It was pretty awesome that she snuck back into the brothel and stabbed him the eyes and cut his throat. But when she got back to the temple Jaqen H’ghar wasn’t to happy. Apparently she took the wrong life and for that Jaqen poisons himself. I stopped breathing for a second til Arya turned around and he was standing right behind her. So who was the guy that poisoned himself? No one? I don’t know i was so confused. Then Arya goes blind. UGGGHHH.

So Myrcella knew this entire time that Jaime was her bio dad aka uncledaddy. I guess they’re doing that a lot these days. Anyways she’s glad about. And the award for the most screwed up family goes to… The Lannisters. By the way Jaime maybe you shouldn’t have let Ellaria kiss Myrcella just saying…

Jon Snow is NOT dead..Okay. He is not. I refuse to believe that he is. Just because he was labeled a traitor and stabbed 50 times and he bleeds out and that Kit himself said Jon was dead does not mean he’s dead!  Nope ok so i’m in denial, but it’s only been a day so give me a break here. I LOVED HIM! We had plans to be together forever. Ok so i had plans but what gives! Remember when i said don’t attach yourself to characters? Yeah well this is another reason why i am no longer, like ever, going to care for a character as much. I’m so torn up about this one. Why do all the good ones die? Thats the freaking question!!

Those were my WTF moments that made me just a hot mess. Ten episodes is just not enough. Tell us what your moments were. Are yours the same as mine? Are they different? Let us know.


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