TBX? Mayans? Choices..

I just said  to my friend Sophia what do I cover here? TBX or the Mayans.. Choices! So I decided fuck it lets do both, I got time! So sit back and get my thoughts on TBX, The Mayans spin off and maybe a few talks on the man Sutter himself! 

TBX poster

I don’t know where to start here, but I guess we can go with TBX and how close it is. Its September 15th, this shows being very hyped up do to the fact that Sutter has a huge following after his Sons of Anarchy TV Series. I for one am a fan of Sutter’s, I don’t know if I like him more than his wife but whatever.. I grew up watching Married with Children and what can I say I love Katey! Our friends at THR did an exclusive with Kurt and some of the cast today with some pretty cool photos that I’ll show you later, hold your horses here! The article starts with “I didn’t call you a c— did I? The first thing that popped in my head was why can’t you say Cunt? And the second was I’m sure he did and guess what? He did.. do you know how many times Kurt has called me a cunt? Okay never, but if he did I would know it means he loves me and thinks I’m the fucking shit, cause well I am! 

Kurt went on to say that he has grown more civilized over the years,  “I think I became aware of my impact on people and the need for me to not move through the world swinging the sword as ferociously as I have. That doesn’t mean that I don’t swing the sword anymore; I just have a lot more sense of whose head I’m chopping off.” Sutter does have a huge impact on people but here is the thing about that? Real fans know that its who he is, we appreciate that part of him. I’m not saying hey Kurt go make some heads roll or call an 80 year old woman a cunt on Twitter.. (Well unless she is being a cunt) I’m just saying, don’t down play who you are, its what makes you who you are. The fans and myself included love that you speak your mind, you don’t play by the rules that people think you should follow and you do you. We also love that you can blow up our IG with pictures of your daughter and show that loving side of you.

Me and the girls are waiting for the first episode of The Bastard Executioner, we have our live tweeter feed set up for it. We got posters coming out.. we got twitter crack as Meep calls it. We have our sisters at @TBXperts manning down the hatches to collaborate with us on show night. (No Pressure Kurt!) So what do we expect to happen? Well for me I want to see that dark side of Kurt that he is so quick to explain he has. I’d take a shirtless Lee scene if I can get one, just some food for thought there. I think Kurt might have big shoes to fill after SOA, but as a fan I’m sure he will pull it off and make us love the cast there as  much as we love the cast of SOA and well Charlie. The man is a legend even has his own Twitter hair account! I shit you not! Even if my favorite was always David Labrava and Theo Rossi I’m sure I’ll find myself a Happy or a Juice in TBX. Or we could just cast DL and Theo in TBX and let me keep on going with my comfort zone and all.. I would like to thank Kurt on the names of his characters, I can pronounce them! I watch Game of Thrones and I need a fucking language coach! So I told you what I like and want, what do you want? Just tell me or tell Kurt and I pray to the Sutter Gods he calls one of you a cunt so I can laugh. I do have one question for Paris about SOA? Did you get the Cock Sock?

Now let me get into The Mayan spin off here, I like the idea. I love Emilio and I hope he is doing the show. I loved Sons of Anarchy so I feel like I’m getting an extension on to that. Emilio is an amazing man and actor so it works. I’m not sure what it will be about or who else would appear besides Emilio but I’m ready when Kurt is. I do have one request on this, its an easy one.. no pressure, for my girl Kim AKA Ozz.. Can we get an Emilio sex scene? A hooker maybe? Then Kim can email Paris and ask for that cock sock! It’s a win, win for all. This spin off is huge for SOA fans and twitter has been blowing up, Facebook is about to explode with pictures of Emilio, Kurt and Dogs! Well cause its national dog day and all. So Kurt whatever you do I’m sure it will be love just don’t forget that dark side of your ass at the door and remember sex scene… 

All the pictures here are from THR all the thoughts above are mine and I claim them! 


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