Most Memorable, Cry Worthy, Creepy Deaths on TV!

I was going to do a countdown but then I thought why do a countdown? Each death was in its own right worthy of something, so I’m gonna give them a Tata stamp of approval on why I think this death should be on this list of deaths. If you don’t know, I’m Tata! Hi!…

Top 25 Villains in TV

It’s about that time when we give you our top picks and today we picked TV Villains. As always this is the picks from the staff of Bitch. We didn’t hold a poll, its only in the opinions of us. So check out our top TV villains and let us know what you think of…

Sexy Women of TV (Past and Present)

We only thought it fair here at Bitch that the girls get a run on the Sexy list so we got our google on and searched the Sexiest women in TV. This is only an opinion of the staff at Bitch, this was not a poll taken but feel free to leave your comments on…